RADical Hope Participates in NACDA’s Annual Convention in Las Vegas

RADical Hope attended the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA) annual convention held in Las Vegas last week. NACDA, the largest association of collegiate athletics administrators and directors in the country, attracted over 22,000 industry professionals for a week of education and professional networking.
NACDA’s affiliated partner, College Sports Communicators, hosted RADical Hope leaders for a panel session titled Workplace Fundamentals: Strategies to Support Yourself and Your Team, where they explored recent industry changes and the urgent need for more emotional and mental health support for college athletics administrators and faculty.
RADical Hope champions Jean Boyd, recently retired Deputy Athletic Director at Arizona State University and former President of N4A, Herb Martin, Los Angeles Chargers Team Clinician and Aaron Taylor, CBS Sports football analyst and Super Bowl champion led an interactive discussion offering tools and strategies for athletic administrators to address stressors, enhance team performance and build a resilient workforce that embodies a culture of trust. All panelists are part of RADical Hope’s outreach, advocacy and programmatic advisory team.
College Sports Communicators also invited RADical Hope’s CEO, Liz Feld, to join a panel on Crisis Communications, focused on processes and strategies to manage and mitigate organizational crises.
Wilma Rudolph Student-Athlete Achievement Awards
RADical Hope lent its support as the lead sponsor for the Jim Pignataro luncheon honoring the Wilma Rudolph Student-Athlete Achievement Award recipients. The annual event is organized by N4A (The National Association of Academic and Student Athlete Development Professionals). Each year, the award recognizes student-athletes who have overcome great personal, academic or emotional odds to achieve success while participating in intercollegiate athletics.
This year’s recipients are Parker Byrd, East Carolina University, Nicole Conrad, Michigan State University, Jasmyne Cooper, University of Wyoming, Courtney Lamas-Lanier, Florida Atlantic University, and Petal Palmer, West Virginia University.
To kick off the luncheon, RADical Hope’s CEO, Liz Feld, addressed a packed room of nearly 700 members attending from N4A and shared an overview of RADical Hope’s mission and work. Through its RADical Health program, RADical Hope has supported the development of thousands of student-athletes across the country.
RADical Hope Leads Stress Management Workshop
RADical Health Program Directors Mackenzie Kelly and Sam Hunter led a dynamic stress management workshop to a packed room of collegiate athletics directors, administrators and industry professionals. Division III communications leaders experienced Week 3 of RADical Health where they shared the personal and work stressors that are impacting their daily lives along with techniques to address them.