RADical Hope’s Statement on the New York Times Report of a Surge in Student Suicides
Sunday’s New York Times piece about youth suicides in Clark County, NV is an urgent call to action for academic, political, mental health and community leaders across the country. It’s a breathtaking snapshot of the debilitating pain and isolation millions of young Americans are experiencing under Covid-19 lockdowns.
The youth suicide epidemic was at record highs before Covid hit; now we are learning, unsurprisingly, that shuttered schools and community sequestrations are driving even more young people into spiraling despair.
RADical Hope was founded to address the social and emotional isolation that is hurting – and killing – so many young people. We are rolling out RADical Health for college students as quickly as we can so they are equipped with skills and tools to cope before they reach a crisis point. For high school students, we have made a multi-year investment in the expansion of Bring Change to Mind, a proven mental health peer to peer program that brings students together for support. Please learn more about our efforts at radicalhealthfoundation.org. Young people desperately need our help.